I have been following the news this morning regarding the earthquake /tsunami in Japan causing death and devastation and now the warnings all long the west coast of the US and other areas some type of tsunami. With what is happening globally and what is happening locally here with flooding as well as up and down the east coast, I think we need to pray for each other here and around the world. I would encourage you to pray the following prayer I found on the General Board of Discipleship Website www.gbod.org and pass it along for others to pray:
Our Hearts Ache Eastward(For victims of floods, earthquakes and tsunamis in the Pacific)Safiyah Fosua
O God, our hearts ache eastward
For lives lost
For families swallowed
By water and earth
For home and hearth gone
And memories forever changed
In an instant.

O God, our eyes look to you
For healing
For comfort
For hope
For direction.
O God,
Our arms reach out
To do all that we can
In whatever ways that we can
For as long as is needed
For neighbors and friends
In the Pacific.
Copyright General Board of Discipleship. www.GBOD.org 