I was lying in bed watching the Celebrity Apprentice. I had just heard Lil Jon announce that his charity was The United Methodist Children's Homes. I sat up and pumped my fist because the men's team, made up of Jon Rich and Meatloaf with Lil Jon, just won the challenge and the charity got $40,000! IN a posting I saw today Lil Jon said: "I have a sister and a brother who were foster kids," Jon said of his decision to donate to the United Methodist Children's Home. "My mother ended up adopting them. I feel children shouldn't have to suffer for faults of adults." Then the scrawl at the bottom of the tv...."President Obama to make a statement beginning at 10:30PM." The news broke in just moments before Donald Trump said, "You're Fired" to someone on the women's team. Was that planned? Anyway.....
After hearing the news, sleeping on it and waking up to the news coverage, I began to have mixed feelings. I remember where I was ten years ago...sitting with clergy studying scripture for Sunday when a person popped their head in and said, "a plane just flew into the world trade center." We at first thought it was a joke but when we heard about the second plane, we prayed and went home to see what had been unfolding. A story so fresh in our memories that many after the announcement of bin Laden's death, began to party in the street. Americans all over saying the words we have heard at other times, "We got him."
I am struggling with the scenes from last night and today. People all over the US chatting, singing and celebrating the death of the most wanted terrorist. I was not disgusted by it which bothered me. I racked my brain because these scenes seemed so familiar somehow. And then it came to me...a celebration of American deaths. I understand it is the terrorist way to flaunt their success to try and demoralize or such, I think. But what are we celebrating the death of this one man for when so many have died because of terror? Then I read a tweet from Rev. Mike Slaughter the pastor at the Ginghamsburg UMC in Tipp City Ohio."Glad bin Laden's personal voice 4 mandate of hate silenced but also reminded of biblical mandate 4 R attitude of response in Prov. 24:17" Proverbs 24:17 reads: "Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice"
I also got into a discussion about what we would do Sunday with all the events and topping it off it is Mother's Day. Some said they would only mention it in small groups where we could take it apart a little. They wouldn't mention it in worship. Others were discerning and still others said yes it should be mentioned because it brings back those images and memories of "Where were you when..." I look ed at the text of the Emmaus journey and thought maybe it should be spoken of. If we are the disciples, walking and speak to the stranger we have so many highs and lows and now the remembrance of an evil act that we would be chatting the whole way home. Imagine Jesus asked us "what are you talking about?" What would our response be? "what's a matter with you pal? bin Laden is dead!" What would Jesus open our mind up to as we walked together? Proverbs 24:17? Love God & love your neighbor? bin Laden had a mother? The children and women there had mothers? The soldiers had mothers? And what of the Navy SEAL who shot bi Laden? What is he thinking today? I don't know. All I know is that the voice of terror has been silenced but not the terror itself. I also know as a follower of Christ I am not to gloat and rejoice.  

Please be in prayer with me and so many others who are looking to recent events, highs and lows and trying to let the Spirit guide us to a gospel message to be shared.
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