I hardly ever post twice in one day but this came to mind...a little less serious but maybe not so much. Was doing my usual shopping at our local Wal-Mart and needed vitamins. I have been taking them most of my life. Usually I reach for the name brand but lately have been buying more generic. What made this shopping trip was my birthday in December. By now you may start raising and eyebrow and saying, "Huh?" That was when I turned 49. I reached the shelf to grab the usual high energy vitamins. You know the ones with the extra boost and stuff to help your mental acuity. For those I know who are thinking it, and you know who you are... Watch it! LOL.

Anyway I put them back and reached for the "Mature" vitamins. You know the ones where the label says for those "50 or over"? They over call them something other than "mature" like "silver." I chuckled a little to myself and and said, "Why not get an early start?" I dropped the "Mature" vitamins in my cart.

As I finished my shopping I got starting thinking about the word "mature." An Online Dictionary defines the mature as:
1.a. Having reached full natural growth or development: a mature cell.b. Having reached a desired or final condition; ripe: a mature cheese. 
2. Of, relating to, or characteristic of full development, either mental or physical: mature for her age. 
3.a. Suitable or intended for adults: mature subject matter. b. Composed of adults: a mature audience. 
4. Worked out fully by the mind; considered: a mature plan of action. 
5. Having reached the limit of its time; due: a mature bond. 
6. No longer subject to great expansion or development. Used of an industry, a market, or a product.
7. Geology Having reached maximum development of form. Used of streams and landforms.

Well my wondering and wandering brain began to wish there was a pill we could take to be mature Christians. Sadly it is a maturation process. It is a matter of living the life as Christ as taught and living a disciplined life at that. Reading the Bible, Worship together, Holy Conferencing, Partaking in Holy Communion and setting apart time in Prayer. There is no other way to be able to be who God calls us to be. Form some this is a huge "pill" to swallow. There is no easy fix. There is no easy path. Only if we can enter the narrow gate; a gate which leads us to a path of righteousness, forgiveness, mercy and grace. And don't worry, if you get lost, if you take the wrong path. There is always a road which can lead you back to renew your journey. Christ will lead you. But one day you may be on the path and someone needs to find the way back. Then it will be your turn to shine the light on that path and lead them home.

So I may have to start taking mature vitamins for my physical health. However, I need to do the hard work of living and doing the work to be a mature Christian who is not in a cycle of erosion. Which reminds me of a sign a saw
