The lectionary this week includes a reading from Nehemiah. Ezra comes to the people by the Water gate. The people gathered in the square as one, including men, women and children. "And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law." This was during a sacred festival. It was a great day to say the least. We have here an example of worship. The word was read for the people to understand. In their understanding many began to weep and mourn because of how far they were from God. But the message of grace and forgiveness comes after the word is read. "Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who were instructing the people said to them all, 'This day is sacred to the LORD your God. Do not mourn or weep.' Nehemiah said, 'Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.'"

The people had come through a very difficult time and in the midst of there return to Jerusalem and the wall built, they knew they had wandered far from God. Yet through the word read and then proclaimed, the people were offered forgiveness and words of comfort. But that was not the final word. God's people gathered, called to worship, the word read & proclaimed, they responded and then they went forth. In their joy in the Lord they were led to fellowship not only together but to share the gifts of food and drink to those who did not have anything to prepare.

This all made me think of my theology of worship. Worship is a place for all to gather and encounter and experience the living Christ who calls us to himself, to remember who we are and then to go forth having that knowledge and sharing the word and all that we have with others.

Our UM Book of Worship has an order of worship. Some have argued the cookie cutter order is not conducive sometimes to bringing us into God's presence. In fact I would offer that if you visited ten different UMchurches, you would find similar elements but ten different service orders.

I would argue that using the headings: God's People Gather, God Calls Us to Worship, God's Word Read & Proclaimed, God's People Respond and God's People Go Forth, that a carefully Spirit created service can usher us into the presence of the holy. Elements under each could vary but with creativity we might have different services but experiences which lead us into a deeper relationship with God. I struggle many times when I visit worship services and elements are all over the place. For example, the offering. I have seen it in many different places, after the opening prayer, after the scripture readings, and even at the very end of the service. Question is what is the offering? What purpose does it have within worship? I know there are many thoughts out there, but for me, again in my theology, the offering and the sacraments are a response to hearing God's Word. I joke sometimes that we take the offering before the sermon so people can't get their money back if they don't like the sermon. But really I see baptism, Holy Communion and the offering as times when we give thanks to God for all God has given and prepare to send what we have given out to those who are in need. The people that heard Ezra and Nehemiah gave their offerings but also shared what they had with others. In other words, the word, read, proclaimed and heard was then acted upon by the people. Out of their faith, joy of the Lord being their strength, they shared in many ways. The community of faith did that. With all the gifts and graces we are given, with all that we are, all that we have, the good, the bad, the light, and the dark we come into the sanctuary to remember who we are, that God is with us, that we are a forgiven people and called upon to act out of the love, grace and mercy we have been offered by God.

I follow Rev. Mike Slaughter on Twitter. He is the pastor of Ginghamsburg UM Church. He tweeted recently, "Jesus gives his followers the power to hurt or heal, to bless or to curse. What are you choosing today?" With a theology or rather to use the words from Nehemiah, helping people understand about God, worship is the place where we are given the chance to know God. Do you know about God through Jesus Christ? Or do you know them?