Sorry for such a long time between posts...the reason is as long as the time between posts...ANYWAY....
Church #1 This week I was invited to participate in a funeral for a young woman who died much too young but was wiser beyond her years (23). The pastor of the church invited me on behalf of the family. I had served that church for five years. They touched my life as much as they told me I touched their lives. There was a spirit of celebration in the sanctuary that day. I also felt the warmth of the friends I had made there. It was like coming home. They always had a spirit connected to God's Spirit to reach out, invite and share the message of hope they had found in Christ. They live out their lives shining the light of Christ for others to see outside the walls of the church. They are living out the mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ so as to transform the world. They are working towards mission, relationships with one another, brosthers and sisters and on a journey.

Church #2 This church is split and has been for some time. It is divided along on several lines as I see it.

Church Building or Church Mission: There are those who wish to just come to church because that is what they have always done. All the activities of the church are directed to raise money for the building and bills. Church is a noun. Others say that our activities ought to be focused on finding ways to communicate the message of the Gospel in our community and more impostantly to each other. Church for these folks is a verb.

Members or Strangers: Members are those who have been here for other. they prefer that the newer attendees learn the ways of doing things before they get involved. Others want to be involved but are discouraged. On top of that members see these new folk as the salvation of the church in that they have money to contribute to the bills. The newere folk are also chastised for not coming more often. Many of those newer folk see themselves on a journey not necessarily attached to a place. They are looking for meaning and purpose, not just a place to belong/membership.

Family or Friends: Many of the folk have been friends for a long time. So long in fact, they see each other as family. Yet that is more on the surface. There is a lack of intimacy, vulnerability with each other. So while they call themselves friends/family, that bond is very flimsy. They very rarely reach outside this circle of friends. Love is a noun for them. Others see each other as true brothers and sisters. They share in each others lives, are vulnerable with one another and go the extra mile to make each other feel loved and welcome. Love for this group is a verb.

Belief or Faith: While both groups believe, the first group sees that as the point. I believe. I come to church to strengthen my belief not to be challeneged to live it out in faith. It is enough that I am here, in my church, giving my money and participating in activities. I don't necessarily need to know the Bible except the story cover to cover is about God and us. It is a book of history and moral lessons. The only way things get done is through us, we can trust God but.....
Others have belief and gratitude and thus from that live out their faith. They are willing to trust God and do what they are called to do, leaving some things up to God. They know that they would not be able to do any of what they do with their gifts and talents were it not for God. They see themselves as partners with God and each other to bring the kingdom and share it with the least, the lost and each other. The Message is a living, breathing and active part in their lives. These folks remind me of eating the scroll and taking the words into themselves to learn, grow and nourish themselves.

How does one help the people heal from these rifts? How do we come together in Christian fellowship when we seem so far apart?

I have had some spiritual battles lately with one of the groups about who we are who they are and what we are called to be together. Someone was at a gathering with me and some of the folks from the church feeling like outsiders. That person shared with me later that as he looked around, my ministry was attracting the same people that Jesus called us to. It was not a surprise to him but it made more sense as to why some want me out of the church. These are not the people they want in their church.

Please pray for these people that we might find common ground in our faith & belief so much so that we can move past our differences to impact each other and the community around us.