"Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit. You can't fire me I quit! Seems I don't fit in." Where does an elf who doesn't fit in and wants to be a dentist find a home?
It isn't till he meets up with Rudolph that he realizes he isn't the only one feeling that way. They soon become friends on the journey for a home. Then they sing together:
"We're a couple of misfits, we're a couple of misfits, what's the matter with misfits, that's where we fit in
We're not daffy or dilly, don't go 'round willy nilly, seems to us kind of silly, that we don't fit in
We may be different from the rest, who decides the test of what is really best
We're a couple of misfits, we're a couple of misfits, what's the matter with misfits, that's where we fit in!"
Even felt that way? People around you telling you what they think of you? Judging you by their standards? Labeling you as a mis-fit?
After that meeting I was feeling that way. Then scripture started to go through my head. Stories of people throughout the Bible who did not fit in...fit in to the plan others had for them. BUT...they did fit into God's plan. Some took to it others balked but none shied away from living up to their God given potential. Moses led his people only after balking, God getting upset with him and saying, "Fine...Aaron will go with you as your mouthpiece." Jacob, David, etc. Just look at the rag tag team Jesus gathered. They were outcasts, misfits, on the outskirts of society. Jesus himself was considered an odd man out. Remember what someone said about where Jesus hailed from? "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"
The story of Rudolph is our story. A story of being cast aside but in the end accepted for who we are and the gifts we offer. Accepted because he mattered to so many. The story of Christmas is that story too, A story of redemption...OURS. That night in a dirty dusty place, a child was born. "Unto you a child is born..." Who did the angels come to? Not princes and kings but misfits of the day: shepherds. All the way back home, they rejoiced. Who else heard the news? Whatever the wise men were, they were outsiders, misfits from outside Israel. They came to Herod thinking this king would be born in a palace. They asked with surprise where the king was. They followed the star and rejoiced, offering their gifts to the baby king, born in a barn.

Remember you matter to God!
From one Mis-fit for Christ to others,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
Rev. Craig Gommer