As they began the fall a comment was made about the lack of hymnal room in the racks and foot space on the floor was because, as was said, "the Bibles are in the way." So the choir proceeded to remove the bibles from the choir area. I couldn't help but laugh and be saddened at the same time. We want the Bible to guide us when we want but then it gets in the way when we want to live the way we want.SO it isn't the "Bibles" but "The Bible" that's in our way.
We begin our meetings with prayer as we come together...wait the Bible's in the way ok let's begin the business by shouting at each other and refusing to offer each other Christ.
Let's' help the local jail ministry by getting bibles and study materials...wait the Bible's in the way....ok why should we do that they don't count?
Let's have lunch together so I can...wait the Bible's in the way....ok now I can tell you all the best gossip!
Hey one of my friends is having some tough financial times....wait the Bible's in the way...ok we don't need to help them even they aren't members or are they? Does it matter?
Hey we raised $4000 for our overseas mission...wait the Bible's in the way...ok now I can pay some of our church bills and send the Haiti money later...got to take care of number one.
I know all my blessings come from God....wait the Bible's in the way....but since I don't like what is happening in my church I'll withhold my pledge.
Let's pray on that...wait the Bible's in the way....ok let's pray that God sends us a better pastor.
We want youth and young adults in the church...wait the Bible's in the way....ok what I mean is we want them here but not to use the church for lock ins and bring their new fangled ideas.
We need to love one another...wait the Bible's in the way....ok what I mean is love those who come to the worship service I go to not the community or whomever is in the other worship service.
I know I am called to by God to worship and give thanks...wait the Bible's in the way...ok I mean worship God on my terms, like by myself. I don't need community.
The Bible provides a rich history of God and God's people; all the good times and all the bad. The story reminds us of who we are, what we are called to do and to whom we are to serve in ministry and mission. The Bible may be in the way but ultimately it is Jesus we continue to stumble over.
Rather than let the Bible and Jesus challenge us, we withhold, draw back or simply move them out of the way. Yet God loved us so much Paul says in Romans 8:32 that God "who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will God not with him also give us everything else?" Yet we continue to trust in our own selves rather than emptying ourselves in trusting God.

While we may stumble and be broken over the cornerstone, reforms and resurrects our lives to live in and through him and the Holy Spirit. Or we could chose to move Christ and the Bible out of the way and be crushed went to times get tougher. Either way there will be pain, some choices cause more but in the end, what we thought was in our way now will become part of us and we will be able to lift up our mats and walk again in the light of the Lord.
Every time I hear some of these remarks, I feel like Jeremiah when he says, "(Jeremiah 9:1) "Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people."
So is the Bible/Jesus in your way? Chances are there's a good reason. Take some time to discern why. For according to Paul: (Ephesians 2:19-22) "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, {20} built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. {21} In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; {22} in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God."