Today I learned something. In a legal situation I am party to, a decision needed to be made about part of a contract. My lawyer interpreted it one way, the opposing lawyer another. Hence the need to be in court in the first place. As my legal counsel explained to me, the decision revolved around one word. Regardless of what that word was, the judge agreed there was some ambiguity but, in what I interpret as the "spirit of the law", the contract remained valid. My wife and I had a long road home. Plenty of time to ponder what just happened.
So as I reflected what this decision meant, I could not help but keep playing over and over in my head, "one word...." The long drive brought me to the conclusion that many times one word will make "THE" difference not just  "A" difference. For example, fill in the blank: "I ________ you." Lots of words can fit there right? Love? Sure! Hate? Absolutely! Regardless of what word you put in the blank it makes all "THE" difference in how it comes across to the person you are saying it too. How about this: "I think you're a________" Yea I know lots there too. But think about it! One word in either sentence and so many others will make "THE" difference. 
I had lots of those sentences going through my head. Soon however, I came to another conclusion. While one word can make "THE" difference, maybe what we are looking for is "THE" word to make "A" difference. Does that make sense. Searching for the one word that can make "THE"/"A" difference in "THE"/"A/ life of our children, family, friends, or spouse to show support, encouragement, love, grace, mercy and forgiveness! What if we as disciples of Jesus Christ measured our words more for the "THE"/"A" difference they could make? What would our world look like? What would our community look like? What would our own lives look like? So I guess in the end it is not either/or but it is both/and when it comes to words making "THE"/"A" difference
As I struggle to find "THE"/"A" difference making words for my life and family, the life of the church I serve and for the community in which I live, I pray that we can truly take the time to find the right words to fill in the blank to share that love, mercy, grace, encourgement, support and forgiveness that has been offered to us through Jesus Christ.